The Five Core Skills of an Effective Block Manager

The property market is constantly changing and evolving, so getting a handle on block management can be rather difficult. To be effective in this role, a block manager needs to have a varied selection of skills to help them cope with the ever-changing scope of their work. An effective block manager commits time and dedication to mastering their role, but there are some core skills that can be invaluable when managing multiple blocks. In this article, we take a look at five of the core skills that can make a world of difference when it comes to successful block management.


Effective Communication

This is perhaps the single most important skill of a successful block manager. The job involves liaising with a large number of clients, contractors, and residents on a daily basis, so being able to communicate in an effective manner is essential. It is the job of the block manager to ensure that your tenants are comfortable and informed about any changes and updates.

The best block managers are able to keep lines of communication open at all time – not just when your tenants have concerns. This helps to create a comfortable and friendly environment for all to live and work within. Checking in with residents and clients regularly to ensure standards are being met and deliver necessary information and rent reminders is a crucial part of effective block management. It is important to be approachable and friendly while maintaining professional boundaries – and striking this balance can be more difficult than you might think.



As we mentioned earlier, the job of a block manager is constantly evolving. One day you might be meeting with contractors or arranging Fire Safety Assessments, the next day you could be collecting Service Charges or filing annual returns. For this reason, efficiency is key. As a block manager, you should always be looking for ways to improve the way you do things. This could be by adopting the latest software and technology to make day-to-day tasks faster and easier for all involved or conducting resident surveys to find out how things could be done differently.

Reviewing methods and techniques on a regular basis is what separates good block managers from great block managers. The best will never stop looking for new ways to do things to make processes easier for themselves, the block owners, and the tenants.


Implementing Effective Processes

This skill ties in with efficiency but takes things a step further. As a block manager, your time is precious, so you will want to save time in as many ways as possible without sacrificing quality and detail. This can be done by implementing effective routine processes for specific tasks to remove any guesswork. Creating checklists and automating tasks for things such as payment reminders, maintenance updates, and reporting can make your life a lot easier – if done effectively.

To keep things running as smoothly as possible, a block manager will be able to keep on top of all their tasks and complete each one in a timely manner. Carrying out a monthly audit, regularly creating checklists, and centralising all important documents can help to make this easier.


Good Organisation

Managing a block of flats can inevitably mean being responsible for lots of paperwork and important documents as well as for arranging meetings, inspections, and deliveries. Juggling all these responsibilities obviously requires a high standard of organisation. Implementing processes as described above can help you to deal with this, but the best block managers will also make the most of technology to help manage their workload.

Block management involves not only completing all these tasks, but also researching and identifying the best software/technology to make this easier. Being organised in this can help you to approach crucial communications and scheduling requirements in a more efficient way. In particular, an effective block manager will set up automatic payments, gather feedback that could make life easier for all involved – for example, through an annual survey to tenants and property owners.


Networking and Collaboration

One of the most important considerations that make a great block manager is the resources and network they have around them. Building relationships with others within the industry helps to build important contacts that can be priceless when managing a block.

Block management is an extremely varied and demanding role and so, your network needs to be varied too. Being active in the industry – such as by attending local events and conferences – provides an insight into best practices. More than this, though, it inspires innovation and prompts the development can benefit all parties involved, from the tenants to the block owner.


At Horizon Management, we specialise in block management and have gathered years of experience that has helped us to refine these essential skills. This allows us to deliver the most effective management services possible – for both our clients and their tenants. We understand that managing a block of leasehold properties can be a challenge – one that requires a professional approach and dedication. This understanding, in combination with our experience and skillset allows us to deliver the most effective block management services to each and every one of our clients.

Find out how Horizon Management could help you with your block management needs by getting in touch with our friendly team.


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