Leaseholder Meeting – Tuesday 28th June 2022

Following the Leaseholder Zoom meeting on Tuesday evening, please find attached a summary of the meeting:


Attendance register

From Horizon Management:

Chris Browne – Managing Director  and  Katie Pickard – Finance Director


Stuart Tranter
Peter and Jean Cosgrove
Jo Garner
Michelle Murphy
Carol Miller
Rob Harwood
Sonia Barr
Vicky Duffy
Polina Reid

Chris Browne opened the meeting by welcoming Leaseholders and asking if anyone had any comments or questions.

Chris Browne then went on to discuss the works completed over the last year. Following a Fire Risk Assessment fire safety works were required.

Fire Doors – This involved replacing many of the communal doors to ensure they met the current regulations – this was a large expense to the block but was legally required.

Meter rooms and plant rooms need to be locked – We have been installing locks on the meter cupboards as this is a legal requirement. For any meter readings, please contact Horizon and allow up to 7 days for the reading. If possible, we strongly encourage all leaseholders and residents to install smart meters to alleviate the need for readings – this is free of charge. We can provide access for engineers to gain entry to the meter rooms during working hours.

Compartmentation – Work was required to ensure all meter rooms and plant rooms were correctly compartmentalised to limit the spread of fire.

Carpet Replacement – carpets were installed in all communal entrance ways to reduce the risk of slipping on wet floors and to improve the aesthetics.

Continuous Decoration – We will continuously redecorate communal hallways – this is part of a planned maintenance programme with funds earmarked for these works.

Lift maintenance – The average life span of a lift is 20-25 years. We believe the lifts to be approximately 15 years old and will therefore be more susceptible to breakdowns. This was a large expense last year. We have continued to use the existing lift service contractor who installed the lifts, however they are proving to be expensive. We will look to replace this contractor in December when their contract expires. At the same time, we will look to replace the lift phone lines with a GSM system as BT are phasing out the analogue copper phone lines. There will be a significant install expense but the running costs will be lower.

Gardening – Very happy with the current contractor Mark from Greenacres – will continue to use his services.

Block Issues

Youths entering the block – We are opposed to employing Security guards as this will be a large expense to the block– the leaseholders in attendance agreed. We will continue to monitor this situation and encourage residents to call the Police if they witness any anti- social behaviour.

Car Parking – We asked leaseholders in attendance if there were problems with the availability of car parking bays, leaseholders agreed that this was not an issue and there are always bays available to park in.

Entrance gates – The gates have not been in operation since prior to our management, the history of the gates is that there were continuous maintenance and repair issues costing the block money and causing issues problems exiting and entering the development. We asked leaseholders in attendance if they wished to have the front gates reinstated – the consensus was to leave the gates as they are for now.

Balconies – The balconies are steel framed with a wooden decking. This material can aid in the spread of fires. We have looked to replace the wooden slats with quotes in the region of £100,000. This is not a route that we want to go down whilst the risk is deemed ‘acceptable’. We have communicated to all residents that under no circumstances can combustible materials be stored on balconies, and we will continue to monitor this. These works may be requited in the future, and we will keep leaseholders abreast of the situation.

Intercom – We are aware that the intercom system in Block B and Block C needs repairing. These parts are on order but unfortunately are not due in until mid July.

Door Issues – We are aware that the entrance doors in Block B and C do not always close correctly – rather than replacing the whole door at a great expense, we will replace the hardware which we hope will resolve the issue.

Smashed Window – We are aware of this and are arranging a replacement.

Roof Leaks – The roof is in need of maintenance, we are working with a local contractor who is making the necessary repairs. We have a planned maintenance programme in place with funds earmarked for these works.

Patio Doors – These doors are the responsibility of leaseholders and funds for any replacements or repairs cannot come out of the service charge funds. However, it seems as though these patio doors are starting to fail. Rob Harwood (leaseholder in attendance) suggested that Horizon could arrange for a ‘bulk order’ to replace any failing patio doors in one go at a more cost-effective rate. Horizon to ask leaseholders if they wish to participate.

Chris Browne stated that he hoped this meeting was beneficial and productive but also that we hoped that Leaseholders do not wait for a meeting to raise any comments or concerns. We pride ourselves in communication and are always on hand to assist.

Chris Browne asked if leaseholders had any further comments before closing the meeting at 7pm.

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